Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Anatomy of a Break Up (Day Eleven)

The Bruins lost the series today. That officially eliminates the only other source of happiness in my life besides my daughter.

I feel like I'm disrespecting all of Boston right now, but I have to say it's an appropriate ending to the season. They played like they still had the Cup in their hands. I know players throughout the league are getting called out left and right for hits that are borderline dirty at best, but we're best when we're borderline dirty. That's when we get it done. We have a team with an insane amount of talent but the whole season felt out of synch. When one guy was on the other was off.

Looch and Thorton needed to beat the everliving out of a guy or two (Ovechkin comes to mind), Timmy needed to step up his game (I know he can't have last year's stats every year, but still) and Krejci needed to be...where the hell was Krejci this whole time?

Still, I feel the need to say that they were dealing with a lot of injuries and a couple of guys still brought their A-game. I also need to post this:

Everything in this picture is a good thing.

And this:

The Improper Bostonian knows deep down, Marchand is a good guy in a suit.

My daughter was scheduled to do dinner with my ex before the game. They were going to chat and pretend like he wasn't the kind of guy to peace-out on her the second he manages to BS his way into another relationship with his whole "I love kids" and "you could never push me away" and "I'm financially stable" lies.
She bailed.
Kid's 8 and she can tell he's insincere.

To top it off, Assface did the accidental text thing. Without any prompting, after the B's lost, this sweet convo happened via text:

Assface: Maybe 10 for me.
Me: ?
Assface: Sorry wrong recipient. Meant to text Hatch.
Assface: 8 AM seems close
Me: ?
Assface: Sorry. Went out for the game and am a little buzzed. I meant to give Hatch shit that I'd be late. How are you?

Me: Yeah, like I'd respond to that. What a dick. I know he has an iphone (totally turned Apple because of me) and they auto correct and adjust and can be touchy, but his use of the word "recipient" while so inebriated is a little shady.

And then to do it again? It's not like he has paws or can't find a way to touch Hatch's name on the text list instead of mine. Also, I'm the resident sports related alcoholic/ just plain alcoholic in the (now abolished) relationship. This guy got buzzed maybe 4 times in the 1.5 years we were together.

Now that I think of it, those were the 4 times I really thought we had potential. He can be fun when he's drunk.

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